Musing of the Day: Chris Brown’s Bow-Tie

Chris Brown on Larry King Live

You know you have reached a new low when you spend a half hour refreshing the #chrisbrownsbowtie trending topic on Twitter. Chris Brown’s bow-tie became, what my sister taught me, an instant internet meme (I didn’t know what that was, I guess at 22 years old you are no longer hip and with the times lol). My understanding of an internet meme is that it is an inside joke that spreads quickly over the internet. Why was #chrisbrownsbowtie the #1 trending topic on twitter after his interview on Larry King Live was televised? Why was what he said in the interview not the #1 topic? Because we learned absolutely nothing new, except that Rihanna calls Chris Brown’s mom “mom,” but that is not what we tuned in for was it? Or maybe this reveals that many of us can easily lose our focus by even the most miniscule of things.

Glossy Kissez,


Source: CNN