Haircut Dilemma

Katy Perry Haircut

Katy Perry (and Perez Hilton)

I am thinking about chopping it off…my hair that is ha ha ha. I want to get what is referred to as a “collar bob,” similar to the cut Katy Perry (above) and Heidi Klum (below) are sporting. However I am having a difficult time deciding.

On one hand it will give me a more mature look. I’m going for that cutthroat executive look. My baby face does not say that at all lol. However, if I go short that means having to spend extra time on my hair each morning.

On the other hand my hair does not grow fast. If I hate it, I am stuck with the shorter hair. I don’t think I’ll hate it but I’m just concerned I’ll like my longer hair more. Short hair means no pony tails. I could still have one but it will look like the end of a broom, like a tiny bush sticking out of the scrunchie. Not cute. But no pony tails are good because wearing them constantly caused a lot of breakage.

Obviously this is ridiculous and not a real problem. I just don’t know what I want. I am so risk averse it is ridiculous. It is astounding that I was a finance major. You guys can relate right? Sometimes making drastic changes can be difficult. But I feel like new life chapter=new hair.

Heidi Klum Haircut

Heidi Klum

So what do you think? Should I stay or should I chop?

Glossy Kissez,


Katy Pic Source

Heidi Pic Source

23 thoughts on “Haircut Dilemma

  1. Hell no! Your hair is positively gorgeous! If you cut it, you will miss the flowing lengths. Besides, with such a blunt cut your hair will have a period of time when it is adjusting so you will either have to get it done all the time or put heat to it every morning.

    I vote fot cuttthroat executive makeup, not hair. THink the BET lady from Boondocks. LOL. Good luck hun.



  2. Don’t do homestyle!!! Your have is beautiful the way it is. I know what you mean about looking older in order to get that first job in the “real world” and I don’t think the hair matters much. Just looking professional will. Anyways, good luck!!!!!


  3. My vote is for the Heidi cut. I had long,long hair and granted I’m 23,and the teeny-boppers….okay I’ll stop there before I rant..
    while that executive cut can be sharp and sleek you can soften it up…


  4. I had the same problem a couple months ago. My hair had broken of badly and I really didn’t want to get it cut. My hairdresser told me that it would not grow back until I got it cut. I was so scared but it turned out to be beautiful. I got lots of compliments and everyone thought I looked more mature.


  5. I vote NO on such a drastic cut. Take it from someone who did it (and is currently in the process of anxiously growing my hair back!). Three or four inches, yes. But shoulder length? What happens if you don’t like it? You have to wait a whole year or more for it to grow back!

    Baby steps, my friend :)…


  6. CHOP IT OFF! lol The cut that Heidi has would look so cute on you! Change is always good. Maybe you should get some clip-in extensions for those days you just really miss having long hair. I think the good quality ones can be a bit pricey, but you can always make them! It’s really easy; there’s a great tutorial on youtube. It’s by some woman for Pursebuzz lol I wouldn’t recommend the brand of hair she uses in the tut tho…hope this helps!


  7. I say chop it off halfway between what it is now and the Heidi cut. That way if the mid cut doesn’t sit right in your soul lol, you haven’t gone all the way.


  8. I think you should most definitely go with a new do.. the Heidi Klum hair cut would really compliment your face. A new look will give you a fresh start for the fall and the up coming winter.. not to mention the fact that it will give you a more mature look!
    The Katy Perry hair cut look to flat and not enough volume or layers.. I think you should try your best to picture yourself with the hair cut first and if you like what you see.. GO FOR IT!

    You had me dying with “Short hair means no pony tails. I could still have one but it will look like the end of a broom, like a tiny bush sticking out of the scrunchie. Not cute.”.. hilarious!


  9. I say go for it. It’s a really cute cut. I had my hair cut like that until last summer…I’ve been growing it out since then. Right now, my hair is probably 2-3 inches shorter than yours (my hair doesn’t grow fast either)
    But, it will grow back, don’t worry! 🙂
    cut it, DR, cut it!


  10. I think the cut would look VERY cute on you!!! My hair doesn’t grow that fast either and I’ve managed to grow my hair out from a Hallie Berry cut to past shoulders. Hair will always come back with time and patience. Plus if you ever miss your long hair while it’s shorter, you can always rock hair extensions. 🙂

    My vote is yes for the cut!


  11. I love the “collar bob” cut! I think it would look really good on you and “yes” you will end up looking very mature after. But if that is what you are going for, then why not?

    Oh, and I can relate to the attachment to the hair. I am still scared to put scissors to mine too.


  12. The Heidi cut is longer so probably the change won’t be too extreme but still you will get a new hairstyle. My concern is more about curly hair beacause this kind of cut looks better with straight hair. I don’t think you want to leave tour beautiful curls behind…hard decision to make but anything would look good on you so if you want a naw cut go for it.


  13. I had that haircut about a year ago and I grew it out. I found it a bit tedious to maintain it since I have a lot of thick curly hair so I had to wear it straight most of the time and I had to run a flat iron through it to keep it sleek. When I wore it out curly it looked poodle-like to I had to twist my hair in small buns to minimize the curls a bit and the final look was nice. It depends on your hair texture. It’s easier to maintain if you have thin hair. Sorry for my rambling and good luck!

    **check out my beauty/fashion blog at**


  14. Hey! I’m a subscriber of yours and I just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi!

    And what a coincidence… I just went through this same dilema that your going through!

    I wrote a blog post on it as well–you should read it because I already got the same cut that you want–

    AND I LOVE IT! My advice is to go get it! It’s just hair & it will grow back! Hehehe =)

    Read my blog post on the hair cut:

    Hope this helps!



  15. CHOP IT!! u only live once.. i cut my hair and try different styles all the time.. you gotta keep things fresh and cutting it is a healthy way versus dying it etc.. I think u can rock it grl.. and its hair it’ll grow back.. and about that ponytail its actually like those tennis grl ponytails .. its cute not ugly n broom like .. which i know wat ur talkn about lol hope to c you rockin this look soon.. take care luv ^.^


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